Why VBS in the Park?
VBS in the Park in a Vacation Bible School experience for everyone, regardless of age or church affiliation. Churches in the McKeesport and White Oak communities are coming together to bring you a free outside VBS experience like none other. Come see what all the buzz is about!

Started in 2021
The covid-19 pandemic changed how VBS looked for many churches. At Sampson’s Mills, VBS 2020 was done through a series of videos, but in 2021, they decided it was time to make VBS an in-person experience again. Since their usual indoor plan was not a safe option yet for everyone, they decided to try something new by moving VBS out of the building, off the church property and into nature. They soon realized that learning about God’s creation IN God’s creation made for a very powerful VBS experience! At the same time, McKeesport Presbyterian Church found themselves without a pastor and collaborated with Sampson’s Mills for various events throughout their time of transition. This included VBS and both churches quickly found value in working together on such an important summer ministry.
Let’s Work Together!
When VBS in the Park 2021 was such a booming success, both churches committed to working together the following year as well. in 2022, both churches brought their pastors together, their volunteers together, and their children together along with other children from the community for a second annual week of VBS in the Park. It was clear that God was doing a new thing with this summer ministry and it was time to branch out even further.

Time to Grow!
What could make this program even better? More churches! In 2023, the Pastors at McKeesport Shared Ministry UMC joined us for the week to see how the program operated and quickly decided they wanted to be involved for 2024! The partnership continues to grow and there’s always room for more!
All churches in the McKeesport and White Oak communities who don’t already run a VBS program in the summer are welcome at the Community VBS in the Park! Kids, teens, and adults of all ages are welcome to come together for this fantastic week! We hope you’ll be a part of it!