What to Expect at VBS in the Park

Bible Stories

Every day, we talk about a different Bible story that helps us understand more about who Jesus is and how much God loves us.  

Crafts and Games

We have picked specific crafts and games to accompany each Bible story.  These intentional activities are appropriate for all age levels and provides many opportunities for God’s children of all ages to work together and have fun!


Snack time is always a favorite at VBS!  Crews will sit together to eat and talk about their morning then have a team buliding activity at the table before continuing on to the next activity.

Music and Prayer

No VBS would be complete without music!  We open and close each day with live acoustic music (since there is no electricity at the park).  We also have time to talk to God through prayer.  Everyone at VBS finishes the week knowing that God loves them and wants to hear from them.

Interested in Volunteering?

While each crew will contain a variety of age groups, a leader is needed for each crew as well as leaders for crafts, games, snacks, music, and Bible storytelling.  If you are interested in helping in any of these areas, please contact our Director, Jo and visit our Volunteer Resoures Page.