VBS in the Park

Why VBS in the Park?

Why do we do this and what makes it different from other Vacation Bible Schools?

Teen Mission Projects

Every afternoon, our teens will do service projects for local organizations.

Directions to the Park

White Oak Park
Blue Spruce and Tulip Tree Pavilions

Need Transportation?

A bus will transport participants to and from the park each day.  Be sure to indicate on your registration form which bus stop you will use.

Sunday Worship

Everyone is invited to Worship in the Park followed by a potluck picnic on Sunday August 4th

What to expect at VBS in the Park

First and foremost, you can expect to have fun!

You can also expect to learn about Jesus, how much God loves you, and hopefully you’ll make some new friends in the process!


July 28 – August 1


9:00am to 12:00pm


White Oak Park
Blue Spruce and Tulip Tree Pavilions


FREE for everyone

Volunteer Resources

All volunteers over age 18 must have clearances through the state of Pennsylvania.  Click the button below to acquire your clearance and submit them to the VBS Director.